Resolution No. (62) of 2017 Regarding Amending Articles of the Executive Bylaws of Law No. 7 of 2010
The CMA Board of Commissioners amended the Module One (Glossary), Module Four (Securities Exchanges and Clearing Agencies), Module Eleven (Dealing in Securities), and Module Twelve (Listing Rules). The Board also annulled the Market Committee’s Resolution No. (1) of 2015 on the adjustment of listed companies share prices.
In addition to obligating the Listed company’s board, whose free share pidends distribution was approved by its general assembly according to Market Resolution No. (1) of 2015 on the adjustment of the share prices of companies listed in Kuwait Stock Exchange, and whose monthly procedures are not executed before 21/05/2017 shall determine a maturity date and a distribution date of the free share pidends after the end of the monthly procedures, provided that the announcement shall be made according to clause (1-7-3) of Module Twelve of the Executive Bylaws of Law No. 7 of 2010 and their amendments.
This Resolution shall not apply to cases where the share price was adjusted according to Market Resolution No. (1) of 2015 on the amendment of the share prices of companies listed in Kuwait Stock Exchange before 21/05/2017.